According to the census of 2002 the number of the population of Tarcsa was 2703, from which the number of the active inhabitants was 1524, the number of those persons who get social support was 52.
The numeral growth of the population in Tarcsa
Location |
1886 |
1992 |
2002 |
Tarcsa |
912 |
1001 |
932 |
Gálospetri |
1032 |
1025 |
987 |
Éradony |
716 |
855 |
784 |
The population of Tarcsa according to nationality
Romanian |
Hungarian |
Gypsy |
Total:2703 |
460 |
2081 |
162 |
% |
17% |
77% |
6% |
The population of Tarcsa according to groups of age
Age |
0-19 |
20-39 |
40-59 |
>60 |
Total :2703 |
616 |
670 |
554 |
863 |
- Organizing professional coaching and trainings
- Observing the employment of the population
- Some programs for the youth, for the sake of their activism
- The assurance of some benefits for the youth with high education by the Mayor's Office
- Organizing re-trainings and courses in the country after creating a case-study
- The training of the representatives of the local authority in the domain of local development in order to put their ideas into special projects and for their joint into the realization of these projects together with different institutes ( Mayor's Office, Local Council, schools, churches, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations)
- The local administration should sake for financial supports together with the non-governmental organizations and churches or with other civil movements in order to employ a skilled social worker
- Creating stimulating circumstances for the investments and creating new workplaces in this region